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Occupational Therapist

Cassie is a senior occupational therapist with over ten years experience in paediatrics. She works with CPEC as both a clinician and mentor. Cassie is passionate about physical disability and neuromotor disorders and has a special interest in alternative access to technology. She believes in supporting families to create a community around the child to see the potential and possibilities for the future.

Cassie has a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (2011) and Master of Advanced Occupational Therapy (2015). She has additional training in home modifications, Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding, the Both Hands Assessment (BoHA), Transporting Children with Disabilities and Motor Conditions, and has completed a five day intensive on Comprehensive Literacy for All.

When not at CPEC, Cassie loves reading, paddle boarding, and making pottery.

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